Other Questions
Can the board of county commissioners invoke a burn ban?
Answer: 2 OS § 16-26(B)
What kinds of lights are required on county vehicles and machinery when doing emergency work or construction and/or maintenance of highways?
Answer: 47 OS § 12-229(C)
Are county owned vehicles and machinery required to be marked?
When does a newly elected county commissioners term begin and when does it end?
Answer: 19 OS § 131(C)
Can the sheriff and other county officers hire legal counsel?
Details of the County Equalization Board.
Who replaces a county commissioner or other elected official when there is a vacancy and what are the powers of that person?
If a county has a website, what information are they required to post on that website?
Answer: 74 OS § 3106.2 & 74 OS § 3106.4
What authority does the board of county commissioners have to fight wild fires and assist local fire departments?
Can a citizen/land owner make donations to a particular county road district?
Answer: 69 OS § 601 & 69 OS § 1503