Oklahoma Department of Transportation
County Advisory Board
In 1989, County Advisory Board (CAB) was provided by law. The law allows the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to create County Advisory Board composed of nine County Commissioners selected by the Oklahoma Cooperative Circuit Engineering Districts board. One member from each Circuit Engineering District and one member selected "at-large" to serve two-year terms. The primary duty of this Board is to oversee the management and use of the County Road Machinery and Equipment Revolving Fund.
Responsibility"Provide counties the financial means to afford road machinery and equipment"
Policies and Procedures, April 1999 (Title 69 § 636.3, 636.4, 636.5, 636.6, 636.7) FY 2020 Equipment Allowances FY 2020 Classification Designation Order FY 2020 Equipment Requests County Equipment Request Form, CERF-100 Agenda & Minutes |
How CAB is Governed
The County Advisory Board is a statutory board enacted in 1989 and created by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. The Board is composed of 9 county commissioners selected by the Oklahoma Cooperative Circuit Engineering Districts Board. One member from each of the eight Circuit Engineering Districts and one member selected at large by the other eight CAB members. The members will serve a two-year term with their term beginning July 1st. The Board will meet no less than quarterly with the ODOT Director and staff. The CAB members elect three officers; President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer to serve a one-year term. CAB meetings, which comply with the Open Meeting Act, are usually held in conjunction with the Association of County Commissioners' conferences and/or at ODOT's Transportation Commission Room.
Jessica Hankins, ODOT Local Government Division
(405) 215-1372
(405) 215-1372