Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STP)
23 U.S.C. 133
This federal program and funds were authorized under the Federal Highway Bill, Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, passed in 2015. ODOT provides 28 million dollars of federal STP funding per federal fiscal year, October 1st through September 30th, that is used for three purposes. The purposes covered are the construction and reconstruction of roads on the counties' Major or Minor Collector System, replacement or repair of bridges on the county highway system and paying for a portion of the Safety Bridge Inspections. This partnership with ODOT provides federal funding that can be leveraged with other funding sources to augment the counties' CIRB 5-year plan. Also this partnership extends to providing and supporting costs rated to the Safety Bridge Inspection program, where some neighboring states require the counties to pay 100% of the costs out of their local county funds.
The STP funding is broken down into two construction programs with the emphasis on replacing or repairing bridges. Twenty-two million dollars is apportioned to each county based on their County Bridge, CB, factor at the beginning of the federal fiscal year. The CB factor was developed in the 1980's and does not change. The counties may apply it to their bridge project that is scheduled/ready for letting in that year or pool the funding with other CED member counties. This pooled funding is placed on other bridge projects deemed important within their CED. Any remaining federal funds after May 31st will be apportioned to "ready" bridge project by the Oklahoma Cooperative Circuit Engineering Districts Board. The maximum federal STP funding participation is 80% of the project construction cost. See May 2016 policies, note that the funding has increased by 2 million dollars.
Six million dollars each federal fiscal year is apportioned on a pro rata share by the number of member counties to each CED for use on roadway projects deemed regionally important. These roadway projects must be on the county's Major or Minor collector system per the FAST Act. If deemed appropriate, the CED may apply these funds to a bridge project. See latest policies dated 6/29/2020.
Eighty percent of the cost of Safety Bridge Inspection, which is federally required on every structure 20' or longer, is also funded out of the 28 million dollars. Bridges are required to have a routine field inspection every two years to check the structural elements' condition and safety. The remaining 20% of inspection costs are covered by other federal funds managed by ODOT.
The STP funding is broken down into two construction programs with the emphasis on replacing or repairing bridges. Twenty-two million dollars is apportioned to each county based on their County Bridge, CB, factor at the beginning of the federal fiscal year. The CB factor was developed in the 1980's and does not change. The counties may apply it to their bridge project that is scheduled/ready for letting in that year or pool the funding with other CED member counties. This pooled funding is placed on other bridge projects deemed important within their CED. Any remaining federal funds after May 31st will be apportioned to "ready" bridge project by the Oklahoma Cooperative Circuit Engineering Districts Board. The maximum federal STP funding participation is 80% of the project construction cost. See May 2016 policies, note that the funding has increased by 2 million dollars.
Six million dollars each federal fiscal year is apportioned on a pro rata share by the number of member counties to each CED for use on roadway projects deemed regionally important. These roadway projects must be on the county's Major or Minor collector system per the FAST Act. If deemed appropriate, the CED may apply these funds to a bridge project. See latest policies dated 6/29/2020.
Eighty percent of the cost of Safety Bridge Inspection, which is federally required on every structure 20' or longer, is also funded out of the 28 million dollars. Bridges are required to have a routine field inspection every two years to check the structural elements' condition and safety. The remaining 20% of inspection costs are covered by other federal funds managed by ODOT.