ACCO and OCCEDB have compiled a group of statues and Attorney General (AG) opinions that have been used over the years to answer questions asked of us. These questions and answers are provided as a resource for county officers but should not be construed as legal opinions. County Commissioners and other County Officers should consult with their District Attorney for legal counsel.
See "County Road Issues" for statute references, AG's Opinions and court cases.
Click on areas of interest:
See "County Road Issues" for statute references, AG's Opinions and court cases.
Click on areas of interest:
Additional FAQs can be found visiting the OSU County Training Program website.
Oklahoma Statutes and AG opinions can be found at
If you have a statute or AG opinion you would like to submit, please email to Randy Robinson.
Oklahoma Statutes and AG opinions can be found at
If you have a statute or AG opinion you would like to submit, please email to Randy Robinson.