County Bridge and Road Improvement (CBRI) Fund
Title 69 § 657
This fund's tax revenue sources are portions of the state's gasoline, diesel, special fuel and gross production tax on oil. It is apportioned monthly to the counties by the County Road, CR, factor, which is updated yearly by ODOT and provided to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
The fund's statutory uses for expenses/costs associated with: (Title 69 § 665)
The fund's statutory uses for expenses/costs associated with: (Title 69 § 665)
- Bridge and road inspections and classifications
- Project Engineering costs
- Acquiring right-of-way and utility relocations.
- Replacing roadway structures, structures less than 20' in length.
- Administration, program management and construction inspection conducted by ODOT or a Circuit Engineering District.
- Comprehensive plan for signing or for conducting an inventory of signage.
- Employment of an engineer.
- All costs associated with constructing a bituminous surface treatment or gravel roadway.
- Engineering services (Title 69 § 659)
- Costs of County-built bridges as defined under (Title 69 § 662)